How to Master your Instagram Live Strategy

The Gram
Step-by-step guide to master your Instagram live strategy and make the most of this Instagram feature as a marketer.

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Imagine this: Your brand, alive and chatting, right on everyone’s phone screens. This is the magic of Instagram Live, a feature that turns everyday moments into real-time events. It’s your chance to bring your brand to life, to talk, share, and create directly with your audience, in a way that’s immediate and utterly authentic.

Instagram Live isn’t just a tool; it’s your direct line to your followers.

It allows you to have genuine, unscripted interactions, gather spontaneous feedback, and create a two-way street of communication that’s rare and valuable.

Plus, your live session isn’t fleeting – it hangs around in your Instagram Stories for a full 24 hours, letting more people jump into the experience even after it’s wrapped up.

Here’s some exciting news: Instagram is continually rolling out new features to help creators and brands monetise their Live sessions.

  • The introduction of badges on Live broadcasts in 2021 allowed viewers to buy and gift them as a way to say “thank you” or “well done” to the creator. It’s not just a thumbs-up; it’s a tangible support that can help creators grow and produce even more content.Instagram shares, “We tested it, it worked, and now we’re bringing it to more creators.”
  • Instagram, recognising the rise in live-streaming, has extended the maximum live session duration from 60 minutes to four hours. This extension enables various creators, from fitness instructors and educators to artists and activists, to engage in lengthier, uninterrupted sessions with their audiences.
  • Plus, the capability to archive live broadcasts for up to 30 days provides an accessible data reservoir that can be revisited without immediate download obligations.

If you’re wondering where to start, stay tuned. We’ve got plenty more insights to share on how to make Instagram Live work for you.

How to Get Started with Live

Starting a live session is pretty straightforward. Open your Instagram Stories camera, swipe to the “Live” mode, and you’re on. Your active followers will get a little ping, letting them know you’re live and inviting them to join the fun.

When starting out, keep it simple. It’s essential to strike a balance with a background that’s aesthetically appealing without diverting attention from the host. To help you out, look into some tools for your video gear:

  • Ring Light: A budget-friendly one can transform your visuals from “okay” to “oh yay.”
  • Phone Tripod: Save yourself from the shaky-hand-syndrome. And oh, make sure it’s in good shape before going live (trust my shaky experience).

Being mindful of your broadcast surroundings contributes significantly to the overall quality and viewer experience. While a sophisticated studio setup isn’t a necessity, selecting a spot with optimal lighting and minimal auditory distractions is beneficial.

Having a structured, well-planned approach to Instagram Live not only facilitates a smoother session but also significantly enhances viewer experience and engagement.

The Co-Hosting Essentials

Taking a step into co-hosting on Instagram Live is quite straightforward, with the platform providing user-friendly options to invite collaborators live. For example, engaging the “Practice Mode” allows you and your co-host to synchronise. For example, you can check lighting and connectivity are in check before going live to the audience.

  • How to Invite: Tap that cute little pair of smiley faces and select your co-pilot (a.k.a. co-host) from your viewers.
  • Use Practice Mode: Link up with your guest beforehand. A quick tech, light, and connectivity check? Absolutely worth those extra minutes.

A few nuggets of wisdom from the live hosting diaries:

  • Countdowns are Key: Sprinkle them in your stories and tag your co-host. It’s like sending invites for your virtual gathering!
  • A Warm Welcome for Late Joiners: Pen down a comment that gives them a nutshell view of what’s happening, and pin it up.
  • Spread the Love: Engage in the joy of co-hosting on others’ lives too.

Creating an Instagram Live calendar

Instagram allows you to strategically schedule your live sessions up to 90 days in advance through Live Scheduling. For example, this can contribute to a structured and predictable pattern for your audience.

Consistently going live at similar time slots each week or month fosters a ritualistic viewer participation, gradually boosting your live audience over time.

  • Audience Sync: Dive into your analytics. Know when your tribe is most active and make that your stage time.
  • Structuring Your Stream: Introduction, core, and closure – crafting your live with this trio in mind keeps things neatly wrapped and enjoyable.

Whether embracing solo sessions or harnessing co-hosted lives, the essence remains the same. In fact, you need to keep a genuine, transparent, and value-driven communication with your audience. The integration of strategic tools and practices – from effective scheduling and uing insights to ensuring visual and technical quality – serves as a bridge fostering stronger, more meaningful connections with your audience.

Remember: Each live can be a treasure trove for future content. Save it, snip it, and sprinkle it across your other platforms. Re-purposing is your secret weapon to maximising your content with minimal effort.

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