4 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Conversion Copywriting Game

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Discover how to increase conversion rates with copywriting strategies that speak directly to your target audience. Master the art of conversion copywriting with these proven strategies.

April 6, 2023

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The goal of conversion copywriting is simple: to make you do something, like buy a product, sign up for a service, or download a resource. And it’s all about making sure the copy is tailored to your wants and needs – not just trying to sell you something.

When it comes to conversion copywriting and buyer psychology, these two are truly best friends – because if one isn’t there, the other won’t make sense!

Before we go any further, a much-needed disclaimer from us. Great purpose-driven copywriting is all about guiding your audience, not trying to persuade or manipulate them. It’s about helping them take action on what matters most to them.

True purpose-driven copywriting is always about driving the reader in a certain direction, not swaying them to do something they’re not interested in.

It’s an empowering experience; when done correctly, it helps your audience take action on something that aligns with their values. Instead of trying to manipulate them as a marketer, you want to qualify them and ensure they make the choice that’s right for them.

Here are some conversion copywriting strategies that you can use to improve your copy.

Do your audience research for better conversion

If you’re about to start copywriting, don’t forget to do your homework and conduct market research!

One of the less-talked-about strategies is creating a bank of words, sentences and things your audience commonly uses. This will help you understand how they speak and think, allowing you to tailor the copy better.

You can find these in a variety of places and sources:

  • Testimonials
  • Surveys
  • Comments and DMs
  • Email responses
  • Customer/client conversations
  • Review minings

It’s much easier than winging it with no preparation — trust us! With the right research, you’ll be ready to write a masterpiece.

Conversion copywriting techniques

Clear – Concise – Compelling – Credible: 4C Framework

Not sure about you, but I think ‘copywriting’ needs to be more fun! Let’s get started with the basics and make it a little less dry.

If you’re new to copywriting, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got something special for you – the 4C Framework! This framework is your key to crafting interesting and engaging content.

The 4C Framework is just like it sounds – short and sweet. It stands for clear, concise, compelling, and credible. Once you get your head around these four concepts and incorporate them into what you write, you’ll be surprised how much more people will enjoy reading your work!

  • Clear: Understand who your audience is and what they want. Write in a way that can’t be misinterpreted.
  • Concise: Only include the necessary information and remove anything superfluous.
  • Compelling: Activate emotions with words, images, and stories to resonate with your readers.
  • Credible: Be honest and transparent with your content, providing evidence for your claims.

Attention – Interest – Desire – Action: AIDA framework

AIDA is an acronym for Attention – Interest – Desire – Action. These emotions show what process each user goes through when they become a paying customer.

This communication framework is a funnel in itself and should tell users a story that engages them. Wherever you want to catch the user’s attention and encourage them to act in a short time.

Ready to get your users’ attention? Here are the four key steps for crafting powerful copy – it’s a classic.

  • Attention: Surprise, shock, or evoke strong emotions to catch the user’s attention.
  • Interest: Use a compelling argument to explain why your product or service is the best solution to their problem.
  • Desire: Arouse the feeling of bliss that comes with owning your product.
  • Action: Call them to a specific action and show them how it will help them reach their goal.

Features – Advantages – Benefits: FAB

Features, Advantages and Benefits (FAB) is a classic copywriting technique. Plus, we had to mention it with a name like this.

Ready to learn about a copywriting technique that’s sure to give your writing an extra spark? If you’re looking for something different than the same old, same old, then you should check out the Features, Advantages and Benefits approach. It’s a great way to break up the monotony and show your audience how your product or service can truly benefit them!

  • Features: Outline what customers will receive.
  • Advantages: Identify the benefits they’ll get from using your product.
  • Benefits: Articulate the deeper purpose they’ll get when purchasing your product.

When writing about the benefits of your product, you have to understand the deeper desires of your audience. Ask yourself: what do they want?

Let’s say you are a high-end fashion rental service:

Are they looking for a sharp and tailored look or prefer airy and loose garments? Do they care about unique details such as buttons and pockets or prefer maximal comfort? What is their ultimate goal in buying a high-end dress – to stand out from the crowd or increase their confidence while shaking up their wardrobe?

Pain – Agitate – (Positive) – Solution: PAS framework reinvented

Looking for a starter template that works for landing pages, content and emails alike? Look no further than the Pain-Agitate-Solution strategy, commonly used by copywriters. An AMS favourite, we gave it our spin with the “Pain of Doing Nothing” approach.

We take PAS one step further and outline what would happen if potential customers did nothing to change their current state. This technique highlights the negative consequences that will occur if the customer does not take action.

With it, you can craft social media posts that teach your audience all about the issues they may face and how to solve them.

  • Pain: Get crystal clear on the issue your audience is dealing with
  • Agitate: Outline the negative consequences they’ll face if they don’t act (be specific)
  • Positive future (additional step): Show what the future can look like if they act instead
  • Solution: Show how your product or service can be their saviour
  • Action: Always remind them to take the next step with a call-to-action

Using conversion copywriting templates is a great way to quickly and effectively create persuasive copy that gets readers to take action.

By understanding buyer psychology and applying these strategies, you can create powerful copy that drives conversions. So what are you waiting for? Get writing!

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