podcast episode

Taking your personal brand to new heights with Ella Orr

In this week's episode, we're exploring the deeper connection between marketing, teaching and personal branding with Ella Orr.


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In this week’s episode, we’re exploring the deeper connection between marketing, teaching and personal branding with Ella Orr.

We’ll be talking about how they all intertwine and their potential synergies – and maybe even throw in some eighties music references for good measure!

The fantastic and bubbly Ella Orr, a good friend of Alt Marketing School, shares her love of LinkedIn, social media and the power of showing up online as yourself through a personal brand. Your personal brand defines what you want to be known for and how you want to be talked about by others describing what you do. 

In this episode we’ll cover

  • How teaching and marketing connect deeply
  • Why you should speak your audience’s language
  • Simple ways to connect on social media

“Treat everybody as an individual. Everybody is different… Find where people are at and respect that.”

Ella Orr

Why personal brands matter

Whether you are running your own business or working within a company, you need a personal brand. You are selling products and services, but what makes you different from the competition is the unique and individual way you promote your offers. 

People buying from people may sound like a cliche. Still, it’s unusual for many of the products and services we offer to differentiate from those of our competitors unless we offer something completely new.  

A simple hack from Ella’s favourite tool

Use google docs and the dictation tool on your iPhone. Seriously. The voice recorder can go on for about one to two minutes, and it is bloody accurate. However, this is a tool I use strictly when in a quiet space.

You can dictate in your car, house, park and create a true stream of consciousness. You may have to correct a lot of errors and misspelling, as well as proofreading your work fairly quickly as sometimes you’ll struggle to remember what you meant to say when your Google Docs thought you were having an existential crisis about your kettle.

Feeling lazy? Dictate and let others transcribe for you. This is great for people who heavily rely on blogging but don’t have enough time and want to optimise their commutes – check out Fiverr for some good options.

“If you are selling a product or a service, people want to know the person behind that so connect with people, find your tribe, talk to them, have conversations and that’s where the marketing journey begins.”

Ella Orr

About Ella Orr

Ella Orr is a personal branding and social media specialist and the owner of Much More Social, which she started in 2018. Before retraining in social media marketing, she was a teacher for many years.

Ella runs individual and group training as well as consultancy on personal branding, social media strategy and content creation. She delivers masterclasses to memberships and has been a guest on podcasts and live stream interviews.

LinkedIn is her go-to platform but she is active in many of the main social media spaces including Instagram, TikTok and Twitter.

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