Positive Impact Marketing Certification: Cohort version notes

You can find the major changes we’ve made to each version of our positive impact marketing certification

May 1, 2022

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Below you can find the major changes we’ve made to each version of our positive impact marketing certification.

Cohort 6 (Spring 2024)


  • Hybrid cohort: we made the decision to go from live to hybrid cohort, which means we are simplifying the journey and creating a more sustainable commitment. Access 8 on-demand modules plus one weekly mandatory live session, fitting marketers’ busy schedule.
  • Centralised platform: we shifted to our native community platform to deliver our cohort curriculum and host our community, which means as well as lifetime access to the curriculum you’ll also get access to bonus sessions post graduation.
  • Affordability: by streamlining the schedule, going from two workshop per week to only one on Tuesdays, as well as reducing platform costs, we have been able to reduce running costs and make the certification fee more affordable for our students.


  • Two bonus courses access: to kick off our journey, you’ll now be able to access 2 on-demand introductory trainings, our brand archetype and buyer psychology short-courses.
  • Streamlined live sessions: we shifted to a once-per-week mandatory session, to accommodate our students busy schedules. Thee include our hands-on classes as well as hot seats sessions, to review progress.
  • Curriculum annual review: another year, another review. We expanded our curriculum with 10 new amazing bonus workshops, and 4 masterclasses lead by our teachers across our 8 cohorts. Bonus workshops include topics like ethical AI practices.
  • New bonus sessions: for the eager students, each week you can also access one bonus session, which can be either a 30-minute expert workshop, bonus office hours, or a co-working session.

Cohort 4/5 (Winter & Autumn 2023)


  • From six to eight weeks: to accommodate new sessions, group work and our industry panels, we expanded our course from a 6-week to a 8-week journey
  • Curriculum annual review: we have shifted old and outdated sessions to make space for marketing topics that reflect the changes in the space for 2023. Each existing session has also been updated with our teachers, including on-demand supporting materials.
  • New live group work sessions: we added 4 new group work sessions to connect deeper with your cohort as well as office hours to get tailored feedback on your work
  • New hot seat sessions: our students will bring into sessions successful marketing campaigns (or campaigns they hate) and in hot-seat style sessions we’ll analyse and review them together
  • New industry panels: each cohort will feature new industry panels co-hosted with incredible experts to explore current trends and changes in the industry


  • Accountability groups: we are re-instating an accountability group system with the support and help of our coaches to foster a deeper sense of community and accountability within the cohort. This will include group message and the option to meet and discuss project progress


  • Access customisable operating systems: we are releasing 10 new templates for our students to use throughout the certification as well as in their work after the cohort including Notion operating systems and much more
  • Sessions tech upgrade: we’re hosting our workshop in a new, fully immersive remote experience to beat the Zoom fatigue once and for all

Cohort 3 (Autumn 2022)


  • Live group work improvements: we have included new worksheets and instructions for students
  • Positive impact certified badges: we created a new selection of badges for all our graduates
  • Sessions upgrade: each session is now 2 hours, accommodating for more time with your teachers and groups


  • Pre-work marketing fundamentals module: the idea was inspired by conversations with applicants feeling they may lack the “foundations” to join the cohort. In this module we help you define your brand archetype, understand the basics of digital marketing channels and a deep-dive in audience personas and buyer psychology
  • Glossary: added a new glossary to refer to new and unfamiliar terms for students who may be at different level of expertise
  • Three new projects: work on three new projects including your personalised content systems, your audience persona and a brand manifesto


  • Weekly touch-point projects: Weekly micro-projects integrated with the internal community encouraging students to share their work and submit their progress for our coaches

Cohort 2 (Spring 2022)


  • 4x new bonus guest classes: We added a selection of bonus classes to compliment the live learning
  • New content calendar system templates: we added 2x new content calendar system templates, including instructions from Fab on how to use them


  • Student community: New integrated live community including chat, group messaging, live channels and live syllabus all in one place
  • Alumni community: Each graduate gets access to our alumni community which features monthly events, alumni matchups, opportunities, weekly product reviews, social media news and much more
Ready to get started with positive impact marketing?

Set up power marketing systems build a marketing strategy that drives results, when you join our certification.

Develop an advanced set of marketing skills that drive more measurable results to any project and harness the power of psychology, purpose, storytelling, and impact to build trust in an increasingly skeptical world.

Take our certification, build your marketing plan and build your ultimate marketing toolkit.


The Future of AI in Marketing with Heather Murray

Join AI expert Heather Murray to learn how AI can transform your marketing strategy. Get tips on SOPs, automation, and using AI tools. Heather is a Top 20 MarTech influencer and founder of AI for Non-Techies, working with big clients like Unilever, HSBC, and Mitsubishi. Get 20% off your subscription and access to Heather’s community.

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