podcast episode

Dawn Morton-Young on empowering a generation of diverse leaders

We talk to Alt Marketing School graduate Dawn about empowering diverse leaders in the workplace and fostering team wellbeing


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How can managers and companies support diverse leaders in their growth?

One root cause for failure in diverse leadership development is the general ineffective state of leadership development. We talk to Alt Marketing School graduate Dawn Morton-Young. She helps corporates by coaching diverse leaders, enabling them to navigate better the internal and external barriers facing them in their professional and career development.

First, we look at the hiring stage, inner bias, and how managers and organisations can do better at such a crucial stage of the employee journey.

Be specific about the change that you want to make in the organisation. Just keep in communication with your people, making sure that you address things there and then and lead by example.

Secondly, Dawn shares some examples of generational and societal psychological imprints that impact minority leaders. Especially some of the engrained ones people may not even consciously recognise.

Guiding diverse leaders

We dive deep into the importance of company culture, and ways organisations can take targeted action to improve career development to support minority leaders within their team.

Finally, we explore the importance of protecting balance, boundaries and the well-being of their team.

About Dawn Morton-Young

Dawn helps corporates by coaching their Diverse Leaders enabling them to better navigate the internal and external barriers.

Professional and career development, combining immersive mindset techniques, traditional coaching as well as professional skills guidance and mentoring to help clients navigate bias, micro-aggressions, ableism, impostor syndrome, and generational and societal psychological imprints that impact minority leaders – encouraging them to set goals from a mindset of what is probable rather than just possible.

Using a unique holistic approach combining Collaborative coaching with Neuro-Linguistic Programming and immersive techniques including my ‘Feel Your Vision’ Technique.

Dawn’s website: dawnmortonyoung.com

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