We’ve always felt an innate desire to belong. It’s this very human need that’s thrust communities to the pulsing heart of our modern economy. More and more of us find ourselves gravitating towards online memberships. But why?
- The search for connection
- The allure of belonging
- The power of community
Here’s a thought: is it simply about chasing new members?
We’ve witnessed the meteoric rise of the online membership economy, now rapidly gaining on the transactional model. This hunger for membership is, at its core, a profound yearning to fit in. Managing a membership for over half a decade taught us its dynamic nature – exhilarating, yet ever-evolving. It’s like a river, constantly flowing, yet never the same.
Using cutting-edge tools, we’ve been at the vanguard of community design.
But building a community isn’t just a fleeting endeavour. Invest time in laying a strong foundation, reflect deeply on its structure, and soon you’ll experience the joy of watching it soar.
The beauty of it? As it grows, you can share the responsibilities, allowing your members – and perhaps even moderators and facilitators – to drive the community’s engagement forward.
Engaged Online Communities Are Result-Oriented Spaces
Our communities aren’t static entities. They’re dynamic, pulsating worlds, teeming with members eager for results and keen to traverse this journey alongside like-minded individuals. The power of being surrounded by a supportive network? It’s a force we can’t underestimate. It’s the wind in our sails, pushing us forward, even on stormy days.
Many dive into online memberships, mistakenly believing the allure lies purely in content access. But the essence? It’s deeper. It’s about a genuine sense of belonging.
- Members aren’t just hunting for content – they yearn for transformation.
- By strategically releasing content and leveraging the community to celebrate every accomplishment, we help members visualise and achieve those desired outcomes.
We love how platforms like HeartBeat centre their membership softwares around engagement and connection.
Content vs Connection
Why the historical emphasis on content? Simple: it’s been the backbone of memberships for years. Many community creators hail from content-rich backgrounds – be it podcasting, blogging, writing, or public speaking. For them, content has been a comforting constant.
But let’s clear the air. Content, while valuable, isn’t the endgame. It’s a stepping stone. As community leaders, we need to wrap our content within a structure that champions connections and prioritises results over mere consumption.
And a word to the wise? Regularly touch base with your community. Gauge whether the content feels manageable or overwhelming. We’ve been in those shoes – eager to offer a deluge of resources, believing it adds value. But the trap? Flooding members with too much can lead to a sense of failure, driving them away instead of drawing them closer.
Where True Value Lies
Yes, content holds its place, especially in broadcasting our ideas and resonating with our audience. But the spotlight should firmly shine on community-driven connection. It’s in these interwoven relationships that members find the utmost value – in their interactions with peers and with us.
The advice we offer? Strategically drip-feed your content, synced with a well-planned calendar. This allows members to comfortably assimilate your resources, extracting maximum value.
Redefining Success Metrics
Last week, during a session with a student eager to kick-start her online membership community, we dove deep into the membership model. A common misconception? That success is measured by sprawling numbers. That one needs hundreds or even thousands of members for a community to truly flourish.
Let’s debunk that myth. Some of the most spirited, thriving communities we’ve come across boast fewer than 200 members. For too long, we’ve equated sheer numbers with success. This skewed perception is probably why so many feel the community-building journey is an uphill grind.
The notion that managing a vast membership becomes an insurmountable challenge is far from the truth. What we want everyone to realise is that community management doesn’t have to be exhausting. With the right structures, the appropriate framework, and a growth-focused mindset, it can be a sustainable, rewarding endeavour.
The Heartbeat of Your Community
It’s not just about numbers. The energy, commitment, and proactive participation of your members shape the rhythm of weekly interactions, fostering a culture of accountability and mutual growth. We should be less fixated on quantity and more on quality.
- What’s the depth of interaction?
- Are members finding value?
- Are they achieving the results they seek?
Ask yourself: what’s the core outcome you desire for your members within your community?
Beyond Fear, Embracing Value
Decisions in content and pricing within the online membership model often stem from a place of apprehension. This fear is grounded in the belief that the inherent value of a community might not suffice. But we need to shift our perspective. It’s not solely about the volume of content; it’s about the transformative experiences we facilitate.
Many might argue, “If I provide more content, I can better justify my pricing.” But we must remember: it’s in the community where members find the results they’ve been seeking – results often elusive when going it alone. Despite an array of apps, tools, and motivational books, the missing piece has always been genuine accountability.
Pricing: A Reflection of Worth
Pouring our expertise, time, and life’s work into moulding a community is invaluable. Contrary to the belief of some hosts, charging a modest fee, say £5 a month, diminishes the perceived value. After all, members often equate the price to worth. If we undervalue our offerings, so will they.
Our focus? It should be on the tangible value members derive. The quality of relationships, the support, and the accountability – these elements drive the transformation members yearn for.
The Magic of Community Building
Uniting people, even from a distance, is the real magic behind community building. It’s a craft that deserves our respect and reverence. Moreover, nurturing these connections and fostering growth makes this journey incredibly rewarding.
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