podcast episode

Matthias Bohlen shares powerful ways to map your customer journey

Matthias Bohlen shares the power of stories and customer journeys and how they inspired him to start his own bootstrapped venture

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Matthias Bohlen shares the power of stories and customer journeys and how they inspired him to start his own bootstrapped venture.

In this short bonus series, we talk to marketers, experts and founders about marketing lessons they have learned from what has not quite worked out for them in their journey.

Get back to your customer persona, as they are the hero of the story you want to tell. Your customer is the hero of your story, so get back to them! THEY are the ones who matter most.

“Marketers tell stories about a transformation. The transformation where your customers become the best versions of themselves by using your product or service.”

Matthias Bohlen

It turns out that there’s a lot that goes into creating a successful campaign, and one of the most important factors is understanding the customer journey.

This is the process that customers go through when they encounter your product, from initial awareness all the way to purchase and beyond. Getting this journey right is essential if you want to create a product that customers will love.

Mapping the customer journey

Interestingly, the customer journey shares a lot of similarities with another well-known journey: the hero’s journey. In fact, many of the steps in the customer journey can be mapped onto the stages of the hero’s journey. So if you want to create a product that customers will love, it might be helpful to think about your customer as the hero of their own story.

By understanding their struggles and motivations, you can create a product that not only meets their needs but also inspires them to take action.

In this adventure, the hero faces a problem, and they find a solution in your product. Outline the benefits the customer got from using your product and the emotions they had before and after the transformation.

Tackle marketing from the basic principles until you reach the state where you have a complete story to tell your audience, and the rest will follow.

About Matthias Bohlen

Startup founder, bootstrapping 2 Quiet 2 Market. Helps people who dislike marketing but they feel they “have to” do it to be successful!

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“Don’t stress out, relax, sit back and find your own sustainable way of marketing that fits your personality, your inner soul.”

Matthias Bohlen

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