LinkedIn Premium Cost Explained: Is It Really Worth the Investment?

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Discover the ins and outs of LinkedIn Premium Cost and determine if it's a wise investment for your professional growth.

March 14, 2024

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Diving into LinkedIn Premium and worrying about the cost? Whether you’re chasing a new job, boosting your business, or hunting for top-notch talent, LinkedIn is a great place to be. But should you put your hands in your wallet just yet?

Picking the right LinkedIn plan is a game of matching your ambitions with the right set of tools. If you’re keen to widen your network, LinkedIn Premium could be the right answer (emphasis on could).

  • For businesses, it’s all about getting the edge with analytics and networking, fueling lead generation and expansion. Getting to grips with the costs and perks of each plan is your ticket to making a smart choice.
  • Recruiters and staffing pros will hit the jackpot with LinkedIn Premium’s advanced features like rich candidate insights and direct messaging, making talent scouting a walk in the park.
  • Sales gurus? You’ll get the inside scoop on potential clients, tailoring your pitch to perfection and forging lasting partnerships.

In the grand scheme of things, sizing up the investment in LinkedIn Premium against your needs is the way to go. Whether it’s landing your dream job, sparking your company’s lead generation, or building the ultimate team, LinkedIn could be the game-changer you need.

Taking a closer look at each plan’s features and costs will point you to the perfect pick for your career or business.

Navigating LinkedIn’s Account Options

LinkedIn offers a smorgasbord of account types to suit a wide array of needs. From the no-cost basic account for everyday networking to the feature-rich premium accounts for specific goals, getting to grips with these options is your first move in unlocking LinkedIn’s full potential.

The Lowdown on LinkedIn Basic Account

Think of the LinkedIn Basic Account as your gateway into the professional world. It’s the go-to for most users, providing all the essentials for networking.

You can set up your profile, link up with colleagues, and scope out job ads without spending a penny. If you’re just stepping into the professional arena or aiming to start on LinkedIn, this account is your best bet.

 The Catch with the Free Account

Sure, the LinkedIn Basic Account has its perks, but it’s not without its limits, which could cramp your networking style.

  • Take the restricted view on who’s checking out your profile, for instance. Knowing who’s been peeking at your profile can be a big plus for networking and gauging interest, but with a Basic Account, you’re only getting a glimpse of that info.
  • And then there’s the reach-out game. Wanting to message folks outside your direct circle? Well, without InMail credits, which are part of the Premium package, you’re pretty much stuck.

These limitations can be a bit of a roadblock when it comes to exploring new opportunities and broadening your professional circle on LinkedIn.

Unpacking LinkedIn Premium: Choosing Your Perfect Match

LinkedIn Premium cost has often put off people. Each account is designed to help you nail specific goals, like snagging a new job, pulling in leads, or getting the lowdown on career must-knows. Figuring out the different flavours of LinkedIn Premium accounts is key to picking the one that fits your needs like a glove.

The Perks of Going Premium

LinkedIn Premium is like having a Swiss Army knife for your professional life. It serves up a bunch of advanced features tailored to various professional pursuits.

  1. One of the standout goodies is the hefty bundle of 50 InMail credits, letting you shoot messages to anyone on LinkedIn, network or no network.
  2. Going Premium means you can network like a pro. With the keys to in-depth insights on companies and industries, you can fine-tune your networking game to fit your career dreams or business objectives.

Since we are data nerds, we know just how much these insights can help you stay ahead of market trends and spotting fresh opportunities for growth or teamwork.

Exploring LinkedIn Premium Plans: Find Your Fit

LinkedIn Premium dishes out a variety of plans, each at a different cost. Whether you’re in the job market, pushing sales, or something else, there’s a plan ready to back your play. Delving into these plans will guide you to the one that ticks all your boxes.

LinkedIn Premium Career: The Job Hunter’s Edge

LinkedIn Premium Career is the go-to for job seekers. It’s packed with tools and insights that can put you a step ahead in the job hunt game, helping you link up with potential employers and discover great opportunities.

  • Affordable Access: Designed with job seekers’ budgets in mind, offering valuable tools and insights without a hefty price tag.
  • Profile Peeks: See who has viewed your profile, a key feature for understanding who’s interested in your professional background.
  • Direct InMail Messages: Ability to send messages directly to hiring managers, increasing your chances of standing out.
  • Application Insights: Receive detailed feedback on how your application stacks up against others, giving you a competitive edge.
  • Job Recommendations: Get personalised job suggestions that align with your skills and career goals.
  • Interview Prep: Access to tools that help you prepare for interviews, making sure you’re ready to impress potential employers.

LinkedIn Premium Business: The Network Expander

LinkedIn Premium Business is the ace up the sleeve for individuals and small businesses aiming to stretch their professional circles and dive deep into industry trends. Tailored for growth and strategic networking, this plan packs a toolkit designed to supercharge business expansion.

  • Value-Focused Pricing: Crafted to offer bang for your buck, helping professionals and businesses widen their network and unlock crucial business insights.
  • Network Expansion: Makes it easier to broaden your professional network, setting the stage for growth and new opportunities.
  • In-Depth Insights: Delivers detailed intelligence on industry trends and company performances, aiding in crafting savvy business strategies.
  • Enhanced Search Capabilities: Boosts your ability to discover and connect with more professionals, enhancing your networking game.
  • Company Page Insights: Offers a closer look at company activities and performance, enabling strategic business alignments.
  • Extended Search Visibility: Allows viewing of more profiles in search results, helping to pinpoint potential business connections and opportunities.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator 

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is where it’s at for sales mavens and small biz dynamos looking to amp up their lead game and forge lasting connections. However, with a lineup that includes Core, Advanced, and Advanced Plus, you need to know exactly what is the right fit for you.

LinkedIn expert Gus Bhandal weighs in on this choice over Premium plans.

“Premium: not worth it. It’s around ÂŁ40-50 a month, and you get more InMails, who’s viewed your profile in the last 90 days, and access to LinkedIn Learning. But the free LinkedIn account does so much already. Personally, I’d pay the extra for Sales Navigator – all of the above, plus a proper lead-gen tool – for around ÂŁ60-70 a month.”

gus bandhal

Core Plan Cost and Exclusive Features

  • Smart Pricing: Gives sales hotshots the essential toolkit at a price that’s right, for zeroing in on and connecting with leads.
  • Precision Search: Advanced search filters to cut through the noise and find the leads that matter.
  • Lead Savvy: Save and export leads with ease, plus sync with your CRM to keep the sales engine humming.
  • Insight Peek: See who’s checking you out, a goldmine for gauging lead interest and refining your approach.
  • Custom Messages: Send out personalized notes and sort those leads into a CSV for the nitty-gritty analysis.

Advanced Plan Pricing and Advantages

  • Yearly Deal: Steps up the game with a toolbox brimming with features to elevate your sales prowess.
  • Get Connected: Warm introductions help you leverage mutual contacts for a smoother entry.
  • CRM Features: Integrates with your CRM, making it a breeze to manage sales actions and customer relations.
  • Deep Dives: Delve into richer insights on LinkedIn accounts and market trends, powering up your strategy.

The Advanced Plus Difference

  • Bespoke Pricing: Advanced Plus throws in custom pricing, shaping the plan to your business’s size and unique needs.
  • InMail Options: Unlimited InMail means endless possibilities to reach out and touch base with potential leads.
  • Analytics Galore: With advanced analytics and data validation, you’re all set to fine-tune your sales tactics.
  • CRM and Trend Tracking: Full access to CRM insights and industry trends ensures your strategies are spot-on with the market pulse.

LinkedIn Learning: Boost Your Skills and Career

In today’s fast-moving professional world, continuous learning and skill enhancement are essential for both personal and career growth. Yes, we are totally biased, but with good reason. We know the power of learning and training to upskill and grow in any marketing career.

On this note, LinkedIn Learning meets this demand with its extensive range of courses covering business, technology, and creative areas.

Learning Plan Cost and Accessible Content

Included in all LinkedIn Premium plans, LinkedIn Learning offers a cost-effective route to advance your career. For instance, if you’re looking to learn new skills, gain certifications, or just broaden your knowledge, this platform has the resources to help you succeed.

Seamlessly integrated with LinkedIn’s networking features, the courses you complete can be displayed on your profile, boosting your visibility and credibility in your field. Moreover, with new courses added regularly, LinkedIn Learning keeps you updated on the latest industry trends and job market needs, keeping you one step ahead in your professional journey.

Special Considerations for Specific Users

LinkedIn Premium offers a suite of plans perfect for a wide array of needs, but if you’re a student or a job professional, there are extra layers to consider. Understanding these subtleties can help you pick the plan that’ll turbocharge your academic and career journey.

LinkedIn Premium Account as a Student

Think of LinkedIn Premium as a launchpad for students. It’s a powerhouse for unlocking network opportunities, internships, and job openings. In a way, this can steer your career in the right direction. Besides, it’s about building those crucial professional connections and soaking up industry knowledge.

Cost-Benefit for Students

Is the price tag of LinkedIn Premium a wise investment for students? It could be a game-changer, linking you with seasoned pros and alumni who can shape your career.

  • Could you compliment existing training with LinkedIn Learning to boost your job appeal?
  • Could leveraging LinkedIn Premium help expand your professional network and jumpstart your career?
  • Can LinkedIn Learning’s courses add a real-world edge to your academic pursuits?

Maximizing LinkedIn Premium for Job Professionals

For job professionals, LinkedIn Premium can be a game-changer, helping navigate career changes, broaden networks, or hunt down new opportunities. Using LinkedIn’s messaging and outreach tools smartly can unlock doors and spark connections that could lead to your next big career move.

Corina Burri, freelance SEO consultant, captures this tactical use perfectly.

“I go on and off with LinkedIn Premium. The main reason for activation is to contact someone I don’t have the email address of, usually prospects or hiring managers.”

Corina Burri, seo consultant

With Premium’s InMail feature, you can reach out directly to industry bigwigs and potential employers, cutting through the usual hoops. Plus, tapping into LinkedIn’s industry insights and company data can give you that extra edge in their career journey or job search.

Unlocking Career Growth with Premium

Mastering LinkedIn’s messaging and outreach can open career doors and nurture great connections. With InMail, you’re talking directly to industry leaders and potential employers, navigating around the usual roadblocks.

  • How will you use InMail to break through to industry leaders and propel your career forward?
  • What insights and information from LinkedIn Premium can give you the competitive edge in your professional journey?

Critical Comparisons for the Right LinkedIn Choice

Picking the ideal LinkedIn Premium plan means stacking up the features, costs, and perks each option brings to the table. In fact, understanding these differences is key to a savvy decision that fits your professional needs like a glove.

LinkedIn Basic vs. Premium: To Upgrade or Not?

Stepping up to LinkedIn Premium can be a game-changer in your career path. Extra features like InMail, advanced search, and knowing who’s checked your profile can seriously boost your networking and job-hunting game. These advantages are gold for anyone aiming to step up their career or land a job quicker than the norm.

Jo Edge from shares her take.

“I’ve used Free, Premium, and Sales Navigator and have good firsthand experience of each. LinkedIn is pushing hard for the ‘trial month’ for Premium, but personally, for the extra cost, there’s not enough of a differentiator or advantage unless you have a specific need for unlimited searching and more InMails. However, the ability to see who’s viewed your profile for the last 90 days is handy, so the trial option is worth it just for that! If you want to get really laser-focused on searches and leads, Sales Navigator is superior to Premium and, in my opinion, worth the extra ÂŁs.”

jo edge

Deeper feature dive of Premium

But, it’s crucial to balance these perks against the subscription cost. For many, the doors LinkedIn Premium opens are well worth the investment, especially for those with a keen eye on career progression.

  • InMail: Directly message anyone on LinkedIn.
  • Advanced Search: Find the right people quickly and grow your network.
  • Profile Views Insight: Know who’s viewed your profile.

LinkedIn Premium Business vs. Sales Navigator

The choice between LinkedIn Premium Business and Sales Navigator hinges on your lead gen needs. LinkedIn Premium Business, with its deep business insights and 15 monthly InMails, is perfect for solo entrepreneurs and small biz owners aiming for business growth.

Erin from reflects on her brief stint with LinkedIn Premium.

“I paid for it once to help me do a task for a client with regards to lead generation as it made it a lot easier, but I stopped once that particular project was completed because I am not big enough to warrant the use for lead generation and information gathering.”

erin, virtual assistant

Conversely, Sales Navigator shines for sales pros keen on connecting with a broader customer base.

  • Premium Business:
    • Ideal for entrepreneurs and small businesses.
    • Offers 15 InMails per month and business insights.
  • Sales Navigator:
    • Best for sales professionals and larger businesses.
    • Provides more InMails and advanced lead targeting tools.

Navigating Sales Navigator’s Tiers

The Advanced plan of Sales Navigator is ideal for small to mid-market companies, offering enhanced tools for lead engagement. If you’re in a larger enterprise needing CRM integration, Sales Navigator Advanced Plus offers tailored solutions for large-scale operations.

  • Core Plan: Basic functionality for solo entrepreneurs/small businesses.
  • Advanced Plan: Enhanced features for small to mid-market companies.
  • Advanced Plus Plan: Comprehensive tools for large teams or enterprises, with CRM integration.

Tips and Tricks to Make the Most of LinkedIn Premium

Getting the most out of your LinkedIn Premium subscription involves leveraging its unique features to meet your professional goals.

Analyst Dana di Tomaso shares how she has been using Premium for its detailed insights and the opportunity to connect with potential clients.

 “For me, LinkedIn Premium is absolutely worth it because it helps people who aren’t connected get in touch with me, via the Open Profile option. My company gets a decent number of leads via LinkedIn, and I don’t want someone to not reach out because they couldn’t contact me without having to pay at their end.”

Dana di Tomaso, analyst
  1. One key tactic is to make full use of the InMail feature, which allows you to send direct messages to anyone on LinkedIn, even if you’re not connected. This can be incredibly powerful for networking, job seeking, or sales outreach. Additionally, regularly reviewing the business insights provided can offer valuable information about industries, companies, or even competitors, which can be used to inform your strategies on the platform.
  2. Another important aspect is taking advantage of LinkedIn Learning. With unlimited access provided through most Premium plans, you can continually upgrade your skills and knowledge, keeping you relevant in your field. This not only benefits your personal development but can also make your profile more attractive to others on LinkedIn, whether they be potential employers, clients, or partners.

How to Get LinkedIn Premium for Free: Exploring Official Offers

  • Explore the one-month free trial by LinkedIn Premium membership to get a taste of the full suite of features, helping you make an informed decision about its value to your career insights.
  • Schedule the trial for a period of intense LinkedIn activity (like a job search or networking spree) to best assess the benefits.

Scoring Discounts and Special Offers on LinkedIn Premium

  • Keep an eye out for LinkedIn promotions or discounts, often available during key professional periods or through special events.
  • Check if professional groups or alumni associations you’re part of offer any LinkedIn Premium discounts, taking advantage of these collaborative offers.

Smart Tips for Discount Hunting

  • Monitor the expiration dates and conditions of any discount offers to ensure you snag the best deal.
  • Don’t hesitate to contact LinkedIn’s customer service for potential hidden deals, particularly if you’re part of a larger entity or seeking group access.

Is LinkedIn Premium Worth It?

Thinking over LinkedIn Premium’s worth means weighing its robust features against the cost. Imagine having the power to ping anyone on LinkedIn, peeking into deep company insights, and joining exclusive groups. 

Emily from shares her candid take.

“I gave the free trial a go and found that the perks were quite limited. Personally, I don’t see it as something worth paying for myself, although the ability to see who’s viewed your profile is a nice touch. I can appreciate its value in job hunting; the price might seem a bit high, but if it boosts your chances of securing a better job with better pay, then I can see it as a worthwhile investment.”

Emily Bradnam

LinkedIn Premium as part of your Business Plan

The gains from subscribing to LinkedIn Premium hinge on which plan you choose and how you use its features.  Could you use LinkedIn premium to grow your business? 

The verdict on LinkedIn Premium isn’t cut and dry; it’s a blend of personal experience and professional necessity. With voices from the field, we get a panoramic view of LinkedIn Premium’s practicality across different professional landscapes.

So, is LinkedIn Premium worth it? It boils down to your professional needs, usage intensity, and the specific features that will most benefit your career or business trajectory. If you’re in it for the long haul, seeking to expand your professional network, access in-depth insights, and leverage targeted communication tools, LinkedIn Premium could well be the ace up your sleeve. However, if your needs are not clear yet or you’re already reaping significant benefits from the free version, you can hold onto your wallet.

LinkedIn Premium, with its tiered plans and targeted features, offers a spectrum of possibilities. The key is to align these offerings with your professional goals and decide whether the investment will provide the added edge you need to succeed.

Key Takeaways

  • Assess Your Needs: Consider if LinkedIn Premium’s features like InMail and advanced search will truly benefit your career path. It’s about finding the right fit.
  • Try Before You Buy: Utilise the free trial to explore LinkedIn Premium’s full potential and see if it aligns with your professional objectives.
  • Evaluate the Investment: Balance the cost of LinkedIn Premium against the benefits, such as enhanced networking capabilities and access to key insights.
  • Choose the Right Plan: Select the LinkedIn Premium plan—Career, Business, or Sales Navigator—that best suits your professional needs.
  • Keep an Eye on Offers: Look out for discounts or promotions to make LinkedIn Premium more cost-effective for your budget.
  • Use Features Wisely: Actively engage with LinkedIn Premium’s tools to enhance your online presence and professional network.
  • Continuously Improve: Take advantage of LinkedIn Learning to upgrade your skills and stay relevant in your industry.
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