podcast episode

BONUS Episode: Graduation Panel Special

Today's episode is a special bonus one. We're sharing with you the recording of our graduation panel from our latest cohort - the eighth one, to be precise.


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Today’s episode is a special bonus one. We’re sharing with you the recording of our graduation panel from our latest cohort – the eighth one, to be precise.

We’ve recently become fully accredited, and to celebrate that and the kickoff of our summer school this week, we’re bringing you an expert panel featuring Rita, Jess, Jupiter, and Ella.

We have more bonus episodes lined up for the summer, we hope you enjoy this special behind-the-scenes of our cohort!

Our Graduation Panel

upiter, or JFS: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jupiterfstone/

Rita: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rita-cidre/

Jess: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessicasophiabruno/

Ella: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ella-orr/

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