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Everything you need to know about Pinterest Presents summit

Fab has been diving deep into the latest Pinterest Present Summit so that she and Becca can spill all the beans about the latest news


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In a special Monday treat, Fab has been diving deep into the latest Pinterest Presents Summit so that she and Becca can spill all the beans about the latest Pinterest news.

The platform has announced a range of new updates and additions as part of its second annual ‘Pinterest Presents’ global advertiser summit, including in-stream shopping enhancements, promoted Idea Pins, improvements to its Pinterest Trends tool, etc.

Pinterest Presents advertising Summit

Some of our highlights include the prominent addition of focus is ‘Your Shop,’ a new, personalised shopping page within the app. Talking about e-commerce, watch out for in-app checkouts. Thew new Pinterest API will allow you to sync your shopping catalogue with your website. Fab was particularly excited to see that now verified merchants can tag their brand values – and notice up to a 16% increase in sales.

From inspiration to action, it’s about closing the loop. Finally, Pinterest is revamping its Trends tab, which provides insights into the popularity of any topic in the app.

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