How can purpose fuel our performance? In this special interview with Vanessa Dietzel, you’ll find purpose in the day-to-day and getting ahead of the curve.
Maximise your potential at work while strengthening your well-being. We discuss performance curve habits, such as self-awareness and self-management. People and organisations thrive as well as help each other reach their potential.
This chat explores experience in business, neuroscience, adult development psychology as well as more practical knowledge from breath and body-based traditions and therapies.We also cover the importance of breath and our mind-body connection and why it’s linked to working smarter, not harder.
Vanessa unveils the truth about rewards when setting habits, especially professionally, and how to work with our brains to improve our performance.
Our hidden drivers exert a powerful force in our brains. In particular, they can steer us into what we call ‘protect mode’, the flight-flight-or-freeze survival response.
Vanessa Dietzel
About Vanessa and the Performance Curve
Vanessa brings unique insights from her blend of corporate experience, coaching, and teaching breathwork and yoga. She started her career with Boston Consulting Group and, for the past twenty years, has been working with leaders all over the world on their individual and organisational performance and well-being.
She has a BSc inInternational Relations from LSE and has trained in a range of personal and group development techniques. Vanessa recently co-authored “The Performance Curve: Maximize Your Potential at Work while Strengthening Your Well-Being” (BloomsburyBusiness).
By putting the book together, she researched hundreds of scientific references and interviewed some remarkable characters. Read about experiences from virtuoso cellist Yo-Yo Ma, CEO of Krug Champagne Maggie Henriquez, and international development and humanitarian leader Lorina McAdam.
Get the book here: get your copy