podcast episode

Building resilience and marketing systems with Veronica Wood Querales

Meet Alt Marketing School teacher Veronica - we talk about everything, from the power of using LinkedIn as a marketer all the way to lessons from circus life (yes, you read that right).


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Meet Alt Marketing School teacher Veronica Wood Querales – we talk about everything, from the power of using LinkedIn as a marketer all the way to lessons from circus life (yes, you read that right).

Veronica has been a marketer for 13 years, starting as sales and comms support, working her way up to head of marketing and now as a marketing consultant.

Veronica’s experience spans companies and teams of all sizes, in markets all around the world. This includes healthcare tech, manufacturing and distribution and property services.

About Veronica

Veronica Wood Querales is a CIM-qualified marketer and an ILM-certified mentor with over a decade of experience working with start-ups and growing businesses in tech, property and healthcare. She specialises in B2B marketing strategy, customer-focused marketing, content marketing and launch campaigns.

As a consultant and mentor, Veronica has two areas of focus; working with SMEs to build their brands with limited resources and mentoring early to mid-career marketers to step up and grow in their roles.

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