How to Pitch Podcast Guests to Grow your Show

A man in white shirt doing audio podcast
Discover effective strategies on how to pitch podcast guests and grow your show. Communicate clearly and leverage cross-promotion.

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Growing your podcast audience is no small feat, but with the right strategies in place, you can make it happen. One proven way is by learning how to pitch podcast guests and grow your show.

Learn to communicate clearly, maintain post-interview transparency, set expectations during recording, and leverage cross-promotion for podcast growth.

This can not only diversify the content of your podcast but also help you tap into new audiences. As of March 2023, the United States accounts for 47.9% of podcast listeners, followed by the United Kingdom with 6.3% and Canada with 5.0%. The number of podcast listeners in the US has steadily increased over the past eight years, with 62% of all US consumers listening to podcasts (Buzzsprout).

Here’s how to strategically pitch to podcast guests and effectively use their presence to boost your show’s growth.

How to Pitch the Right Guests

Before pitching to a potential podcast guest, it’s crucial for hosts to evaluate the relevance of the guest to their show. Here are three pivotal questions you should ask yourself:

  1. Does this guest align with my audience’s interests? Understand your audience’s demographics, their interests, and the kind of content they value. Evaluate whether the guest you’re considering can provide insights or share experiences that will resonate with your audience.
  2. What unique value can this guest bring to my podcast? Reflect on what this guest can offer that’s unique or different from previous episodes. Perhaps they have a unique perspective on a common topic, or they’re an expert in an area that hasn’t been explored on your show yet.
  3. Is there potential for cross-promotion with this guest? Consider if the guest has their own following or platform that can be leveraged for mutual benefit. Can they help promote your podcast to their audience? If they have their own podcast, could there be an opportunity for you to appear on their show?

Establish Clear Communication from the Start

Clear and concise communication is the cornerstone of your relationship with your potential guests. In your initial outreach, make sure you cover the following points:

  • Scheduling: Let your guests know the proposed date and time for the interview. This information will give them adequate time to prepare and adjust their calendars accordingly. You might want to consider using a tool for scheduling to avoid unnecessary back-and-forth emails.
  • Interview Structure: Outline how the interview will be structured. Will it be a laid-back chat or a formal question-answer session? Sharing this information beforehand helps your guests prepare and feel comfortable during the conversation. You could also share potential questions or talking points with them in advance, to make them feel at ease.

Setting Clear Expectations During Recording

Once you’ve navigated the initial stages of securing your guest, it’s essential to manage expectations during the recording process:

  • Recording Format and Medium: Ensure your guests are aware of the recording format (audio-only or video) and medium (Zoom, Skype, in-person, etc.) well in advance. If you’re using an online tool, share a guide on how to use it, if necessary. This will help them prepare their environment and setup, ensuring a smoother recording session.
  • Duration: Inform your guests about the estimated length of the interview. This allows them to manage their time effectively and prevent the conversation from dragging on longer than they anticipated.
  • Content Guidelines: Discuss the do’s and don’ts regarding the content of your podcast. If there are specific topics or areas you want to focus on or avoid, communicate these to your guests in advance. Setting clear content boundaries will ensure a focused and engaging discussion.
  • Technical Issues: Assure your guests that technical hiccups during recording are common and can be managed post-production. This reassurance can ease any anxieties they might have about making mistakes during recording.

Maintain Transparency Post-Interview

Transparency is vital even after the interview is over, especially as you are working on podcast promotion. Here’s how you can make sure your guests remain in the loop:

  • Release Date: Clearly communicate when their episode will be published. This allows them to schedule their promotional activities accordingly. Also, a reminder a few days before the release date will ensure that they are ready to share the episode with their audience.
  • Promotional Material: Provide your guests with ready-to-share promotional materials, such as episode snippets, quotes, or graphics. This not only increases the visibility of your episode but also simplifies promotion for your guests. Furthermore, ensure these materials align with your brand aesthetics and appeal to both your guest’s and your audience.

Tap into the Power of Cross-Promotion

When inviting guests, consider if they have their own podcast. This strategy can lead to a valuable exchange of audiences:

  • Cross-Audience Exposure: By featuring on each other’s shows, both you and your guest get an opportunity to present yourselves to a new audience, diversifying your listenership. This synergy can boost your visibility and attract listeners that align with your content style.
  • Leverage Existing Relationships: Being featured on your guest’s podcast allows you to tap into their established connection with their listeners. This can significantly increase your credibility and likability, driving more listeners to check out your show.

By following these steps, you can attract the right guests, engage them effectively, and strategically use their influence for the growth of your show. Remember, podcasting is a marathon, not a sprint. So, keep refining your approach, stay consistent, and watch your podcast audience grow over time.

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